by Steve
More Than Just Our
the physical practice of yoga can be quite therapeutic
and healing, yoga teaches
us that we are infinitely more than just
our bodies. The practice of yoga leads us deeper
into ourselves and deeper into our connection
with the divine.
The ancient yoga teachings, the Yoga Sutras,
offer in-depth guidance on this journey. The
foundational information contained in the Sutras
includes five suggested approaches called the
Yamas. Practicing the Yamas in our daily lives
will help us to achieve greater clarity and peace.
The first of these Yamas is Ahimsa. Ahimsa translated
means non-harming.
We may ask, “How can
we practice Ahimsa?” Many
of the great yogis spoke of cultivating an attitude
of compassion for all, especially those who are
suffering, less fortunate, weaker than ourselves.
This can be the foundation upon which we build
our Ahimsa practice. As we go through our day,
we can choose thoughts, words, and actions based
in compassion for ourselves, for others, and
for all living creatures. When unsure ask, “Will
this harm any one or any thing?” We have
a choice. We can make a difference in our lives
and in the lives others in our world.
How we further
or deepen this practice is as individual as
each of us. To expect perfection
in this or any other quest would not be realistic.
Let us make our goal progress in bringing ahimsa
into our daily lives and relationships. Imagine
if each of us makes every effort to live in
a compassionate, non-harming way, what an impact
we can have each and every day.
Personal Practice
Take a few minutes every evening
to reflect on the opportunities you received
day to practice peace. Consider ways in which
you can further your Ahimsa practice. Allow
yourself to feel gratitude for the progress
you make bringing
Ahimsa into your thoughts, words, and deeds.
This Yoga Spirit article was originally published
in the Transitions Bookplace Newsletter, November/December